Advancing the Kingdom of Jesus one Sunday at a time
Providence Reformed Presbyterian Church is a worshiping Christian community seeking to obediently live out and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our families, neighborhoods, the city of St. Louis, and around the world.
The good news of the Gospel is that the resurrection of Jesus from the dead nearly twenty centuries ago in real time and space was the inauguration of a new world—a world of peace and beauty that still awaits completion in the future return of Jesus, but is even now being brought into existence by the work of the Holy Spirit and the faithful obedience of his Church.
Holding fast the Word of life
– Philippians 2:16

What to Expect on Sunday
A worship service in a traditional church building with pews, kneelers, a baptismal font, and a Communion Table
Participatory worship with Scripture readings, responsive readings, prayers, singing Psalms and hymns with organ accompaniment
Sermons that are expositions of the Bible
Weekly communion with bread and wine
Flawed, sinful people that have been delivered by God’s grace and mercy in Christ Jesus, and who continue to strive to serve God and love one another sincerely

Biblical • Reformed • Presbyterian
When everything seems to be up for grabs in our culture Providence Church is dedicated to guarding the foundational truths of God’s Word, confessing and teaching the historic Christian faith, assembling on Sundays for traditional worship, and learning how to live faithfully as individuals, families, and citizens.
We trust the infallible Word of God, are faithful to the Reformation tradition, and dedicated to furthering Jesus’ Great Commission to make disciples of all nations.
Welcome from Pastor Meyers
Providence is a traditional church community. But not in the sense that we are old fashioned or foolishly out of touch with the modern world, and certainly not because we think “tradition” is more authoritative than the Scriptures. Rather, we believe and practice a way of being the church that is rooted in how the Holy Spirit has led the Christian community for two thousand years.
We seek to understand and practice the great wisdom found in what has been faithfully handed down to us by the wise men and women of the Christian church—the time-tested hymns, prayers, rituals, creeds, and spiritual practices that have shaped Christian communities for centuries. We resist the pressure to refashion the church to look and feel like a concert hall or entertainment center. We will not substitute modern marketing or entertainment practices for the richly textured and powerful Christian liturgy and rituals of the Church.
All of this makes us different, especially in modern America. That difference ought not to make us proud or arrogant toward other Christian churches. That would be tragic. But our being different often makes it difficult for some when they visit our church on Sunday morning.
To be honest, it takes some effort to learn the disciplines and practices of Christian worship. It requires some “unlearning” of what one thinks ought to happen in church on Sunday. When God calls people together in assembly for worship something happens that is unlike other modern cultural events. It’s not like watching a TV show or attending a movie theater or sitting in a music concert, or even attending a lecture. Christian worship is something gloriously different. You can download a short explanation for our worship service here.
In the Christian Assembly, God himself graciously serves his needy people with gifts of forgiveness, comfort, wisdom, and empowerment, by means of his Word and the Sacraments. We invite you to join us on Sunday morning and worship together with us as we receive these gifts from our Lord.
Where do we meet?
We meet in south St. Louis county, at the corner of Sappington and Eddie & Park roads. You can find directions to the church here.