Visitor Information
More About What to Expect
Churches commonly include a brief summary of “what to expect” for prospective visitors. That is all well and good, as long as we don’t exaggerate what someone may experience here on Sunday morning or give you the impression that we are the most incredible, exciting church community in St. Louis. The purpose of the following information is not to “market” the church to you, as if you are merely a “religious consumer.” It is simply to give an accurate overview of what you as a visitor will likely experience on Sunday.
If you visit us on Sunday morning, you should expect....
Liturgical Worship
Worship at Providence follows the same biblical pattern every week. It's the order revealed in the Scriptures of how the Lord graciously draws people near to himself and gives them his gifts. The Lord calls us into His presence, we kneel, confess our sins and are purified, we ascend with hymns and praise, we are taught by the reading & preaching of the Scriptures, we offer ourselves through tithes and offerings, the Lord renews his covenant with us in the Lord's Supper, and we are sent out into the world once again with Christ's blessing. For more information see Pastor's Meyers's short Worship Guide.
Scripture Saturation
We believe that the Bible is the the living, unfailing, and absolutely true Word of God. The Lord establishes and maintains his personal relationship with us through this Word. This is why the worship service, our Christian education classes, and all of our other events are saturated with the Word of God. In the Service we read the Bible, recite the Bible, sing the Bible, pray using the words of the Bible, and explain the Bible in sermons. God’s Word calls us to worship, gives us words of praise, assures us of the Father’s love for us, announces the victory of Jesus Christ as Lord, and the Spirit uses the Word to empower us for godly living.
Traditional Music
The Holy Spirit has guided and inspired the Church through the ages to compose music that is fitting for the Divine Service. Our music at Providence draws on the Psalms, hymns, and anthems that have passed the test of time to be considered “sacred music.” The Psalms and hymns we sing are "traditional," but that does not mean they are boring or uninspiring. We believe that Sunday worship music should be robust, passionate, and lively. We sing with piano, organ, and choir accompaniment, and have other classical and acoustic instruments accompany certain anthems throughout the year.
Expository Preaching
Too many churches have succumbed to watered-down, topical sermons about current events or the "how to get rich with Jesus" self-help talks. These kinds of sermons may have one or two Bible verses sprinkled in for good measure, but the Word of God is not explained as books of the Bible are worked through carefully. At Providence, expect expositions of the Bible that explain the Scriptures paragraph by paragraph, with explanations of the text’s meaning and significance for faithful Christian living.
God’s Gifts to Us
Above all, expect to be graciously served by God Himself with gifts of knowledge, wisdom, nourishment, love, and acceptance as you hear His Word and participate in the entire service with humility and receptivity. The Gospel or Good News is that God has loved us so much that his Son became a man, lived, taught, suffered, died, rose from the dead, ascended into heaven as Lord, and all for us. We don't earn God's favor. God bestows his favor on us freely. We are simply called to trust him for deliverance from sin and guilt, both in this life and the life to come.
We have a time for coffee and fellowship between worship & Sunday School every Sunday morning. This is a time where we can get to know visitors and each other better. Expect to be warmly welcomed by members of Providence when you visit. Please join us for coffee in the Fellowship Hall after the morning worship service so that we can get to know you better! There are plenty of other opportunities for establishing meaningful friendships—Bible studies, men's and women's fellowships, parish group meetings, common meals, and other events.
Biblical Teaching
We have Christian education classes for all ages, meeting at 11:10 AM after our worship service and fellowship time. Our Sunday school classes provide a more informal, small group setting for all members of our congregation to learn and discuss biblical stories and instruction. Children's choir and Sunday school classes meet in the educational wing. Our current adult Sunday School class meets in the Fellowship Hall. We also have men’s and women’s Bible studies during the week.
Normal, Flawed People
We are normal people with all sorts of gifts, flaws, sins, challenges, vocations, and difficulties, who are striving to serve God and love one another sincerely. We are not a "holier than thou" people. So expect to find a community that confesses the crucified but risen Jesus Christ to be at the center of our lives, trusting Him for the forgiveness of sins and the promise of an abundant life, both now and after death.
Weekly Communion
We believe that the sacrament of the Lord's Supper is the climax of the worship service, when we're strengthened as a congregation through the renewal of God's Covenant with us. The reason the Lord invites us into his presence as his people is so that we can share a meal with him and experience nourishment, acceptance, and power for living. When we eat and drink together with Jesus he gives us his life-giving, glorified body as nourishment as we eat bread, as well as refreshing us with "the blood of the new covenant" as we drink from the cup of wine. If you don't fully understand what all that involves, well, neither do we. These are miraculous gifts that defy human logical explanation. Even so, we trust that the Lord gives us exactly what he promises in the Communion meal.

Frequently Asked Questions
How long is your service?
Our Sunday morning service is typically one hour and fifteen minutes long. Our Sunday evening prayer service is one hour long.
What about children in the worship service?
Children of all ages are welcome in the service. We encourage parents to keep their little ones in worship to train them in the words, music, and activities of the liturgy. But parents of children 36 months and younger are always free to use the nursery when necessary.
Do you have nursery care available?
Yes. We have nursery services available for children aged 36 months or younger.
May I partake of the Lord’s Supper?
All baptized Christians are invited to the Lord’s Table. You don’t need to be a member of our church or a Presbyterian to enjoy Communion with the Lord and with us at his Table.
Why do I need to go to church?
That’s a great question, but it deserves a little longer answer than we can give in a few sentences. Please take the time to read Pastor Mark Horne’s essay Do I Have to Go to Church?
Where can I read more about the form and content of your worship services?
You can download Pastor Meyers’s short, ten-page explanation that includes a glossary of terms and more FAQs. Pastor Meyers has a book-length explanation of the service: The Lord’s Service: The Grace of Covenant Renewal Worship (2003).
What is the music like in your worship service?
You can download our Liturgical Music Guide to find answers to frequently (and not so frequently) asked questions about music in our services.
Where do we meet?
We meet in south St. Louis county, at the corner of Sappington and Eddie & Park roads. You can find directions to the church here.