Music, Hymnody, & Choir
Music and Hymnody
We believe in strong congregational singing. We sing a variety of hymns, psalms, canticles, and liturgical congregational responses, accompanied by the organ or piano and sometimes additional instruments such as violin, oboe, trumpet, and cello.
Please see the booktable in the foyer for a copy of Pastor Meyers' Guide to Liturgical Music at Providence. Or click here for a PDF of it.

We have a graded choir system at Providence, with four choirs.
The Beginners Choir (age 2 - grade 1) is directed by Lisa Grove and rehearses for the first few minutes of Sunday School throughout the school year, learning Scripture songs and other sacred songs. It sings during our Advent Lessons and Carols service in December.
Our three other choirs are directed by Music Director Bill Hoover.
The Children's Choir (grades 2-6) rehearses for the first few minutes of Sunday School throughout the school year, learning Scripture songs, psalms, and hymns. It sings during our Advent Lessons & Carols service in December, during the distribution of palms on Palm Sunday, and for the Sunday School Promotion program in May.
The Youth Choir (grades 7-12) rehearses for the last half of the Sunday School hour during the fall, learning four-part sacred Christmas music. It sings during our Advent Lessons & Carols service in December.
The Adult Choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings during the school year, learning a variety of music in four (or more) harmony parts from musical periods spanning over five hundred years. The Choir sings during morning worship every several weeks from September through May and also for two special evening services -- Advent Lessons & Carols. and Good Friday.
If you are an accomplished instrumentalist with an interest in accompanying an anthem or playing during the offertory, please let us know! There are multiple opportunities throughout the year for instrumental accompaniment.
For more information, contact Bill Hoover.