Sample Sermons
Here are a few sermons from Pastor Meyers for inquirers to know what to expect when they visit
Paul As Jesus’ Fully Authorized Spokesman (Titus 1:1-5) I. Exposition of Paul’s Letter to Titus
The Significance of Good Order (Titus 1:5) II. Exposition of Paul’s Letter to Titus
A Christmas Eve message (1 Timothy 3:16). What is the real message of Christmas?
The Details of the Death of Jesus: A Good Friday Sermon. Are the details of the story of Jesus' suffering and death important? How does the story help us understand the purpose of Jesus' voluntary death on the cross?
The God of Jacob: Wrestling Faith (Genesis 32:22-32). Why did God wrestle with Jacob when he returned from his service to Laban? How does that help us come to grips with our struggles in this life?